
Novella Wealth – Integrated Financial Service | Top Insurance Broker Vancouver

捐贈額 一路增長


我們全心照料,讓客戶的財政實力愈見雄厚;同時亦希望誠心回饋社群。為感激客戶信賴,我們開展了「回饋計劃」。現在,每逢有新客戶加入Novella 的大家庭,我們都會向加拿大白血病和淋巴瘤協會 (卑詩省,育空地區分支) 捐贈$25加元。

LLSC為卑詩省及加拿大各地的危疾治療研究提供資金,同時透過教育、宣傳和公共教育提供患者服務。 所有LLSC服務均是免費的,確保照顧有需要人士的家人、看護及醫護人員均可獲得所需的服務和資源。

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LLSC每年都會在加拿大各地舉辦「Light The Night Walk」步行籌款活動,讓家人、朋友聚首一堂,為癌症的黑暗世界帶來光明。 參加者會攜帶照明燈籠,以表明身分:白色代表血癌患者和倖存者,紅色代表支持者,金色則代表失去親人的家屬。
Novella回饋計劃所籌集的全部資金,將用於Light the Night的Novella步行團隊,以展示我們如何身體力行地代表客戶支援社區。

Edmond Ng

B.Sc., CIP, CFP® | Co-Founder

After almost a decade in the insurance and investment industry, Edmond Ng is an accomplished wealth-building coach. Focusing on safeguarding portfolios, estate planning and investment diversification, Edmond loves helping his clients get a better night’s sleep. Edmond spends much of his time serving tech professionals, young families and small business owners. He also mentors new financial advisors starting out in the industry. He has a hands-on style, both at work and on the golf course.

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